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a divine being often worshiped by mortals. Some deities have bias for or against mortals and depending they can give out blessings or curses.

Known deities- Deity of Festivals, The Moon Deity, The Sun Deity, The Trickster Deity, Deity of Life, Deity of Love and Marriage



Descendants of deities. They live longer than humans and claim to have been walking on in the overworld before the existence of mankind, though it's been debated. Elves look different and have different magic based on which deity they descended from. Some elf races have dwindled.

Known races-Moon elves, Sun elves, Nature elves and Sea elves



Come in multiple forms being able to speak in multiple tongues. They were born in purgatory and serve under one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.

Note- They hold up to the honors specified by whom they serve and are best to make contracts with. Depending on who they serve every magic ability is different



Come Reincarnated souls of the damned that would rather collect souls then repent for their crimes that they did in a past life. The bigger the crime the more souls they need to collect. They do not serve under the 4 horsemen so they do not have any code or honor to hold up to when making contracts. Demons look more human than devils, for example Florence.

Note-They are the worst to make contracts more as they demand more and eventually your soul. They are also more commonly walking in the overworld trying to obtain souls.



Magical creatures with human appearance, magical powers, and a penchant for trickery. Fairies are enchanted beings born from a variety of things. Deities are able to make fairies with things like flowers and leaves. Although peaceful, fairies are mischievous towards malevolent humans by using wisps to mislead travelers

Note-Because of superstitions that fae bring sickness, there is a need to ward off fairies by using protective charms. Common examples of such charms include church bells, wearing clothing inside out, four-leaf clover, sweet food, cold iron, charms (amulet, talisman), rowan trees or various herbs, or simply shunning locations "known" to be theirs such as fae rings. someone who violates a fairy perimeter becomes invisible to mortals outside and may find it impossible to leave the circle. Often, the fairies force the mortal to dance to the point of exhaustion, death, or madness.

creds to svnhrtz !!!



Pixies are generally benign, mischievous, short of stature, and childlike; they are fond of dancing and wrestling outdoors, of which they perform through the night. Pixies are "in-between", not cursed by a deity or especially blessed. They do the unexpected, they bless the land, and are forest creatures whom other wild creatures find alluring and non-threatening. They don't necessarily use magic, they are just made out of it.

creds to svnhrtz !!!



The offspring of a devil and a witch. Vampires are still bloodthirsty creatures and still have to follow honor rules like being invited into a house. However in this world they can wander in the sun but are mainly nocturnal creatures.

Note-They do not need to feast every night, only weekly. If the mother is human the mother has a high chance of death



Half man half wolf. Cursed by a moon deity, moon elf or bitten or inherited. Those who inherit the curse are able to control when they transform depending on how long the curse has been in their bloodline.